Sourcing, Consolidation, and Interperetation

Get your goods from China to your destination with
the sourcing agents you can trust.

Buy ✔ Consolidate ✔

Ship ✔ Succeed ✔

China Sourcing

Sourcing made easy.

The bread and butter of our agents. We specialize in getting you the best quality products, parts, and pieces, from the best suppliers around. We’ll make sure your Guan Xi is top notch the moment you step foot in China.

consolidation, it's our middle name.

Ok, well not really, but you get the point. We’re good at it. Expect the best of the best consolidation efforts by our agents to make sure you save on every cubic meter you need.

China Consolidation
China Interperetation

Interpreters a'plenty.

All our agents are certified professional English-Chinese interpreters who’s aim is to make your meetings go smooth. NDA friendly, and happy to make the most out of your client-to-client talks.

Our Product Competencies

luxury sofa sourcing from china

dining room set

Where We Excel


If you need something out of China we’ll make sure you find it. It’s our backyard and we know it well. Simply submit your itinerary and your inquiry and we’ll start handing you options left and right.

china budget sourcing agent Jane

Shipping and Cargo

Worldwide shipping is second nature to us. As the world’s largest supplier of goods, you’ll rest easy with us as we handle the shipping and packaging of your sourced goods.

Flexible Warehousing

Customized warehousing to your heart’s desire. We’ll make sure you get a supplier who can house your goods until they’re ready to be shipped out.

Quality Control

Pre-shipment inspection. Factory auditing, and more. We’ll make sure you aren’t fool in China. We guarantee quality to the utmost degree so you can go home with your head held high.

The Best Sourcing Agency in China.
Possibly Ever.

Sourcing and importing goods and products from China has become a well oiled machine. However, what remains an daunting task is that businesses aren’t able to find the right suppliers to meet their China sourcing needs. Not to mention the language and the cultural barriers that they often have to face in the entire process!


If you too are looking forward to placing a large order and need someone to take care of warehousing, shipping support, after-sales support, legal contract support or quality, then you’ve arrived at the right place. We’re the best Chinese sourcing agents, who efficiently help you meet your business objective seamlessly.

contact us

Need an expert? You are more than welcome to leave your contact info and we will be in touch shortly

Visit us

Room 102, No. 73, Changhong Road, Shanghai, China

Call us

(+86) 135 0197 3154

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(+86) 135 0197 3154



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